Jasna Auer Antončič is a new doctor in the entrepreneurship
department at UP FM. She defended her dissertation entitled “Osebnostne
značilnosti podjetnikov, Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih in rast Podjetja (Personal
characteristics of employees, employee’s satisfaction and company growth) in
January, 2013.
dr. Jasna Auer Antončič (central), with her Ph.d. commission.
disertacije: Doktorska disertacija raziskuje povezave med
osebnostnimi značilnostmi podjetnikov, zadovoljstvom zaposlenih in rastjo podjetja.
Raziskava je podkrepljena s teoretično podlago ter nadgrajena z empirično
kvantitativno analizo; izdelan je model, ki razjasnjuje posamezne
in učinke med splošnimi osebnostnimi značilnostmi, zadovoljstvom zaposlenih in
rastjo podjetja, na vzorcu mikro, malih in srednje velikih slovenskih
podjetjih. Konstrukti so preverjeni z eksploratorno in s konfirmatorno
faktorsko analizo. Z uporabo modeliranja strukturnih enačb so preverjene
hipoteze, ki se nanašajo na povezave med velikimi petimi faktorji osebnosti, zadovoljstvom
zaposlenih in rastjo podjetja. Dodatno so v model vključene specifične
motivacijske in osebnostne značilnosti kot kontrolne spremenljivke.
besede: podjetništvo, podjetnik, osebnostne značilnosti,
velikih pet faktorjev osebnosti, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, rast podjetja.
OF DISSERTATION: The doctoral dissertation explores relationships
between personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, employee satisfaction and
company growth. The research is supported with a theoretical foundation and
upgraded with an empirical quantitative analysis; a model is formed, which
clarifies individual relationships and effects between general personality
characteristics, employee satisfaction and company growth on a sample of micro,
small and medium sized Slovenian companies. Constructs are tested with
explorative and confirmative factor analysis. With the use of structural
equation modeling are tested hypotheses, which refer to relationships between
the big five personality factors, employee satisfaction and company growth.
Specific motivational and personality characteristics have been additionally
included in the model as control variables.
Key words:
entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, personality characteristics, big five
personality factors, employee satisfaction, company growth.
dissertation is available in the library of the Faculty of Management.
Congratulations and we are all looking forward to some interesting
Ruzzier (candidate’s Ph.D. advisor)