sreda, 27. maj 2015

Prof. Guido Bertoluzz - guest lecture for Erazmus students @ festINNO

20th of May 2015 Erasmus students from around the Europe have had unique occasion to participate in lecture provided by Prof. Guido Bertoluzzi. During the first part of the lecture students have had the opportunity to gain knowledge about nowadays trends on technological markets. By presenting two big companies Mr Bertoluzzi showed what had changed in connection with new market expectations. The result of those changes is functioning of companies on the edge of two or more industries. Lecturer explained that strong diversification can also lead company to a bankruptcy. Students learned what business model is, and that every company in the market segment is our competitor. They discussed about customers’ expectations of the same products with different brand and price. “Servitization” phenomenon was explained on the base of airlines example (Platform Based Competition). It has been pointed out that customer is not interested in a product any more but in result which product provides. 
Nowadays this result is not only a service - it is an „experience”. In the end of the lecture students learned that for companies is necessary to be agil. This feature allow to organizations develop their business model all the time and to remain a major player on the market. To summary students have had an opportunity to apply their knowledge in practice by work on a case study. 

Dorota Dylon

Erasmus student at the Faculty of management Koper