petek, 19. julij 2013

I will admit that the most exciting part of the course was the hands on action of prototyping (ANG)

Having spent many hours in lectures filled with little class involvement or interaction, I really appreciated this classes take on “hand's on” activity based learning. There was a perfect balance of introductory lecture that would segway into an interesting activity which made the learning process much easier and more exciting. Obviously the overlaying topic of the two day course was on the varying aspects of design and steps within the design process. 

 I enjoyed learning about how the design process is a structured approach to generate and evolve new ideas. Where as previously I thought of design as something more simple and with less applicative steps, I was very interested in the breaking down of the design process into five steps. I learned that while it is relatively easy to skip over the first few steps, it is in fact the first few that build the foundation of the problem and provide a structure to begin ideation leading to prototypes to solve that problem. It may seem easier to skip over certain parts of the design process, but each one is necessary and important to the process as a whole. One thing that I had not really put much thought into before but realized the important difference after a small exercise was the difference between observations and interpretations. It is very easy to interpret something without considering the list of observations beforehand. Interpretation is making sense of data where is observations are much simpler and easy to make overly complex. 

I will admit that the most exciting part of the course was the hands on action of prototyping. When you get past the idea of a need for an intricate or complicated prototype and realize how simple and function oriented it needs to be, I found it very easy to add on to previous ideas or to scrap them all together and build a new one without much difficulty at all. This obviously payed off as our team were chosen as victors and prototype held in the highest position. Thank you for the opportunity to take this course and for taking the time to teach us. It was a great experience and the knowledge I've gained I will surely take back home with me.

Zac Cordner, USA, Texas

sobota, 6. julij 2013

Zapis bloga študente SIPZ (generacija 2012) - (SLO)

No verjetno se prva oglašam :) Danes sem bila z našo skupino fuuullll zadovoljna... Punce so res enkratne. Razdelile smo si naloge tako, da so Polona in Alma ki so ful kreativne izdelovale prototip stola iz kartona, blaga, lepilnega traga ... v glavnem vsega kar jim je prišlo pod roke in ful sem ponosna nanje, ker jim je to uspelo ( in to ful dobro! ). Tudi Daša in Petra so super sodelovale saj so izdelale letak ( kako naj bi izgledal, kaj naj bi vseboval) u glavnem perfettamente. Jaz in Živa sva pa izdelovali TV oglas :) Živo sem malce snemala in moram priznati, da jo ima kamera res rada, saj odlično izgleda na posnetkih - svojo nalogo je opravila izvrstno. Tudi mi2 sva izdelale kako naj bi oglas izgledal in katere elemente naj bi vseboval ( potek samega oglasa). Ker smo vse ful rade aktivne smo se odločile da bomo oglas posnele izven vaj in se dobile v ponedeljek ob 16h v inkubatorju ( ne pozabit!!) :) Moram priznat, da nimam niti ene pripombe na današnje vaje, ki so bile še bolj super kot prejšnje .Aja napisale smo tudi 5 vprašanj v stilu " Kako" in jih tudi razložile :) ( če jih ima kašna fotkane naj prilepi slike gor): Ovrgle smo nepomembne ldeje in obdelovale ter nadgrajevale le najboljše - vsaka pri svojem delu ( prototip, letak, oglas).

Mislim, da nas dejansko čaka še sama izvedba :

1.) posneti oglas
2.) natisniti letak
3.) Napisati končno poročilo ( ki bo zajemalo tudi zadnje vaje :) ).

V glavnem moja skupina je najboljša! Definitivno lahko to rečem in od tega ne odstopam, Saj naredimo kar se dogovorimo, vse dajemo od sebe maximalno ( kdaj več kdaj manj ;) ), smo pri tem uspešne saj se držimo zastavljenega plana in kar je najpomembneje še niti 1x nismo prišle v tako konfliktno situacijo, da se iz nje nebi mogle izvleči.

Moram priznati, da nas tudi mentor izredno vzpodbuja in nam tudi on poda kakšno idejo, nas usmeri če preveč zaidemo s poti. Konkretno nam je razložil kakšen naj bi stol izgledal, nam poslal slike in še mnogo drugih informacij.

Kle pa še ene par utrinkov od pondeljka :)
Avtorica: Špela, Ilirska Bistrica